Check out our recent Customer Success Story! This iOS app user passed the ASWB MSW exam.

This app is all kinds of awesomeness! I passed my LMSW exam with flying colors! It’s so exciting because this was my third time taking the exam. Being out of college for 15 years and having to teach myself theories all over again did not help my testing anxiety. I purchased this app after the first time I took the exam! The second time I missed it by 2 points; this last time I passed with 4 points more than needed! I’m so happy I made this purchase because this app helped me get comfortable with the type of questions that may be asked on the exam. The scores with percentages from the practice test app helped me to stay on track by studying the areas I was weak in and refreshing on the areas I excelled in! If you do at least 30 questions daily using the practice exam or a quick launch exam and then reading the explanation (whether you get the question right or wrong) will truly help you to understand why you answered the question the way you did. I studied daily for a solid two months using this app and some DVDs from another source.

If I can offer any advice to those who may be in a similar position that I was in would be: DON’T GIVE UP; read each question twice and ask yourself what type of question is it (ethics, safety, direct or indirect practice, human development etc.). It will help you when answering the question. Do the daily question the app provides. Good luck and go pass that test!

Sherlonda Calhoun