Mobile test prep company Pocket Prep today announces the launch of new study material for aspiring skilled trade professionals. Skilled Trades Pocket Prep is the latest app to be added to the lineup of on-the-go study tools the company offers.
The new offering provides study prep for hands-on skilled trade careers such as plumbers, home inspectors, electricians, and auto mechanics who are seeking certification.
The Skilled Trades app is an expansion from a former automotive-only offering. What was formerly known as Automotive Pocket Prep has now changed to Skilled Trades Pocket Prep. All content found within the Automotive app is still included within the Skilled Trades app.
Current users will see a change in the app’s name and icon image, but all other key study features and material within the app will remain the same. The only in-app change users will see is additional exam names added to the list of available study prep.

“We are always researching career certifications that have limited supplemental tools to determine if and when it would make sense for us to provide that additional support,” said Peter Murphy, CEO and Co-founder of Pocket Prep.
“We saw a distinct need in the trades industry for additional study support and we got to work on building the study material. We’ve been working on this content for a bit now, and we are thrilled to finally make this available to the general public.”
Study prep for the following exams are featured in Skilled Trades Pocket Prep:
- EBPHI National Home Inspector Examination® *NEW*
- NASCLA Journeyman Electrician *NEW*
- NITC Journey Level Plumber *NEW*
- ASE® A Series – Automobile & Light Truck
- ASE® G1 – Auto Maintenance & Light Repair
- ASE® L1 – Advanced Engine Performance
- ASE® L2 – Electronic Diesel Engine Diagnosis
- ASE® L3 – Light Duty Hybrid/Electric Vehicle
- ASE® T Series – Medium-Heavy Truck
The company aims to launch additional study material for more skilled trade certifications in the coming months. Specific areas are likely to include ICC National Standard certifications for plumbers and electricians, contractor licenses from NASCLA, and new specialty areas such as telecommunications technicians.
Skilled Trades Pocket Prep is available now via app in the App Store and Google Play Store. It is also available on desktop at Subscription pricing is $9.99 per month, $23.99 per quarter, or $59.99 per year. Users can cancel their subscription at any time.

Pocket Prep has been providing study prep for a range of professionals for over a decade and averages a 4.8-star or above App Store rating on all of its exam prep apps. As the nature of examinations means regular content and version changes, Pocket Prep will always make content updates as exam standards change.
About Pocket Prep
Pocket Prep has led the mobile test prep category with its portable learning, smart feedback, and affordable programs since 2011. The company is dedicated to providing the most effective, convenient, and engaging test prep for more than 130 standardized exams spanning the medical, nursing, business, IT, social work, finance, automotive and fitness industries. The company is headquartered in Seattle, WA with an office in Durham, NC.
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