Beginning in 2018, the APICS CPIM designation will drop from the current five exams to two exams: Part 1 and Part 2.
Part 1: Basics of Supply Chain Management (BSCM)
Part 2: Master Planning of Resources (MPR), Detailed Scheduling and Planning (DSP), Execution and Control of Operations (ECO), and Strategic Management of Resources (SMR)
There is no change to the topics or terms covered in the Exam Content Manuals (ECMs). APICS will still be testing the same body of knowledge. The new exam will be a 3.5-hour exam with 150 questions (including 20 pretest questions).
Because there is no real content change, candidates should continue studying as usual. Pocket Prep is updating its CPIM BSCM app to Part 1 which will reference the APICS 2018 Learning System. We will create an entirely new Part 2 app which will house the current 1,060 MPR, DSP, ECO, and SMR questions. After significant time has passed, we will retire the four previous test prep apps.
After the new exams have been released there will be a minimum three-month period where no one will receive their scores. After 200+ candidates take the new exams, APICS will work with a psychometrician and a Cut Score committee to determine the passing score for each exam. After that, candidates will be notified of their success and exams will start giving immediate scores.
The current CPIM Basics of Supply Chain Management (BSCM) exam and retake exam will be available through December 31, 2017.
The Master Planning of Resources (MPR), Detailed Scheduling and Planning (DSP), Execution and Control of Operations (ECO) and Strategic Management of Resources (SMR) exams and retake exams will be available through December 31, 2018.